Thursday, September 25, 2014

Analysis 6


  1. The Hierarchy on this building does not show in plan - take a look at the images that you have - is there one that could better show what you think are the important features of this building? If you were asking someone to meet you at this building - what would you tell them?

  2. I'm liking the look of most your analyses so far. I would caution on keeping things consistent though for presentation reasons. If showing to a client, your categories and comparative methods should be the same so that they could follow, either with or without some narrative by a presenter. Keep this in mind always.
    Just a few notes:
    1. Analysis 2 as presented was very nice, the black background really made your images pop. Not that there is anything wrong with the white background, it's just that the contrast works better. You might go back and change that one to be the same as the others.
    2. In some cases the Hierarchy doesn't always clearly transform itself into the Geometry.

    You're doing very well. Make sure your Parti always make sense, or that you can expertly explain why you think they are the representation of your choice.
